The BLC Blog

A forum and learning place for British Language Centre students

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Shopping lists

I bet most of you make a shopping list before you head out to do the shopping (the grocery/food shopping, that is). Have you ever left your list in the shopping trolley (AmEng shopping cart)? If you have, you might end up in the Shopping List Compendium, a very strange site which posts found shopping lists for all to see!

Remember, when you just go out to have a gander (look) at what's in the shops (AmEng stores), you call it going shopping. Some people love going shopping. They might not even buy anything, just window shop. They see it as a leisure time activity. Not me! What about you? Do you like to have a bit of a shop?



At June 14, 2006 11:31 AM, Blogger Faye in Spain said...

I love shopping but I prefer to do it alone instead of in a group of people. I get stressed waiting for friends to try clothes on in the changing rooms. If I had a lot of money, I would fly to New York and spend hours and hours shopping for shoes.

The Shopping List Compendium is so funny, where did you find it?


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