The BLC Blog

A forum and learning place for British Language Centre students

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Acrostics

An acrostic is type of poem, although it doesn't have to rhyme, which utilises the letters of a word to begin each line. The poem then explains the word or the topic throughout. Here is an example of an acrostic I have written about Santa Claus.

Slowly he creeps down the chimney
And leaves gifts under the tree.
Next, he has a sip of whisky
That was left out by you and me
And then he fills up our stockings and
Calling Ho, Ho , Ho,
Leaps back up the chimney
And away he goes.
Usually we wait a while before waking up out parents,
Shouting "Santa has been, come on, come on, lets open up our presents!

Why don't you try to write an acrostic about something Christmassy, we would love to read it!

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