The BLC Blog

A forum and learning place for British Language Centre students

Monday, November 5, 2007

Remember, remember the fifth of November...

Today is Guy Fawkes Night, or as it is sometimes better known, Bonfire Night. Traditionally in England on this night an effigy of Guy Fawkes is burnt on top of a bonfire and children and adults alike enjoy fantastic firework displays in their villages. It is often not very clear, even among the people of England, why this day is celebrated. On this day in 1605 Guido Fawkes and some fellow conspirators plotted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. They failed and were arrested and executed. There is some confusion as to whether we are celebrating the fact that the plot failed or the fact that the plot almost succeeded.

For more information about the history of this festival with interesting visuals, interactive games and listening practice, check out this link.

Happy Bonfire Night x

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