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Monday, March 9, 2009

Word of the Week - 41.


This week's words of the week are related to the crisis we find ourselves in at the moment. A credit crunch colloquially refers to a period of economic difficulty during which it is difficult to borrow money from banks or investors. We can also refer to this as a credit crisis or a credit squeeze. Literally when you crunch something (usually food with your mouth and teeth) or squeeze it, (imagine a tube of toothpaste or a lemon) you are reducing it in size, breaking it down or removing something from it. This is where the idea of a credit crunch probably comes from. The banks are reducing the amount of money they lend or invest.

How have you been affected by the current credit crunch and the rise in unemployment? If you want some advice on how to survive in this current economic climate, MSN have a survival guide with lots of tips!

Show me the survival guide > > > >

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