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Monday, April 27, 2009

Word of the Week - 48


This week's word is related to the flu epidemic sweeping Mexico. Swine is an old-fashioned word for pig as well as a specialized word, which is the case when we say Swine flu. If you refer to a person as a swine you consider them to be extemely inpleasant and unkind.

Although the word 'swine' may not be very useful to you in your daily lives, it did get me thinking about other pig expressions. A male pig is called a hog and the word hog can be used informally as a verb meaning to take or use more than your fair share of something, somewhat like a pig might do!

My sister is always hogging the bathroom, she is in there for hours on end!
Why do you always hog the telephone, other people need to use it, you know!

There is also a phrasal verb formed from the verb pig and the particle out. To pig out is to eat a lot or too much of not necessarily healthy food!

The children pigged out on sweets and chocolate all day and couldn't eat there dinner!
Whenever I'm feeling a bit sad I pig out on cakes and ice-cream!

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