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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Are you feeling under the weather?

Under the weather is a synonym for when somebody feels ill and indisposed. In the winter months it is common for people to feel a bit poorly and many of us suffer from minor illnesses.

Today we are going to look at a list of common ailments that can affect people at this time of year.

A lot of the pains that we feel in our body are expressed in the same way in English - by saying the part of the body that is affected and then adding the word -ache.

---headache------------earache ------ backache------stomach ache

Another way of expressing pain is by saying that something is sore. This is the case when you have a pain in your throat. You say that you have a sore throat.

All of these can be symptoms of certain illnesses. The most common illnesses at wintertime are the common cold, when you sneeze a lot and have a cough, and of course the flu, when your entire body aches and you have a fever and you need to stay in bed.

I hope you are all feeling on top of the world this winter, and not under the weather! But if you are feeling ill, I hope you get better soon!

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